your further information, here are some organizations on the
'net that are of use to performing artists. If you know
of a site which should be listed here, please e-mail
us, and we will consider adding a link. Thanks!
Choose your category or scroll through the list.
Actor's Equity - the union for stage actors
American Guild of Musical Artists - the union
for opera singers & dancers
American Society of Composers and Publishers
BMI -a music performing rights organization, a company that represents songwriters, etc.
Episcopal Actors' Guild of America, Inc. SAG, Screen Actors Guild
The Songwriters Guild of America -Organized in 1931, the SGA is the nation's largest and oldest songwriters organization, serving its members with the vital information and programs to further their careers and understanding of the music industry
Foundations/Relief & Emergency Funds/Charities
Fund of America Over 14,000 people a year in film
and theatre, TV and radio, music, dance and opera, and
the full spectrum of other entertainment media turn to
The Actors' Fund when some personal or family crisis threatens
their well-being.
Aid for AIDS
Musicians Foundation Inc.
MPTF, Motion Picture & Television FundRhythm & Blues Foundation -The Rhythm and Blues Foundation is a not-for-profit service organization whose mission is to foster wider recognition, financial support, and historic and cultural preservation of rhythm and blues music and artists of the 1940's, 1950's and 1960's.
SIMS Foundation -The SIMS Foundation provides low cost, non-emergency, mental health services for the music community...the whole community...all genres...all persuasions...musicians, roadies, managers, etc. and their immediate families.
Sweet Relief Musicians Fund
Society of Singers
Will Rogers Memorial Fund
Health Related Links
Center for Voice Disorders
H.E.A.R. (Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers)
Musika Lessons – Music Teacher Organization.
Offers music lessons throughout the US, with over 450 select teachers on their roster.
Piano Lessons in Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas.
Find Piano Teachers by location in Dallas, Fort Worth, TX. Also other piano resources: music, suggestions and guides, books.
Find A Music Teacher is a FREE Music Teacher Directory that lists music teachers, music schools, and music lessons across the US.
Tutor for Guitar, Percussion, Salsa and Latino Club DJ / Mobile Disco, United Kingdom
ACTeen - Teen film acting school affiliated with the Weist Barron School in NY
MUSICAL ADVANTAGE - A free service to visitors searching for a Music Teacher or Musician.
Pat Leborio's Commercial Acting Workshop - One on one sessions with Pat, a professional actor/comedian who has starred in dozens of high paying commercials and taught hundreds to do the same.
Anatowind - Anatowind is a music clinic specializing in musical instruction. Since 1959 we've been helping people to play better music using our proven method stressing the relation between music and physiology. In fact, the term "Anatowind" was coined from the words "anatomy" and "wind" (as in band or wind instruments). Above all, Anatowind is based upon the premise that the person is the most important element in music.
LORI A. FRANKIAN - Business Consultant for Actors in Boston, the only one in New England. Has clients all over USA.
Film & TV Connection: an entertainment industry school with 5,000 students worldwide who train on-site at major film studios, video production companies, radio and TV stations,mus recording studios and record labels.
Screenplay/Novel Consulting & Evaluation
ACT FOUR SCREENPLAYS offers professional story consultation services to screenwriters and novelists. Act Four is based in New York City and dedicated to helping writers polish their work to make it ready for professional submission to production companies, major motion picture studios, literary agents and publishers.
International Phonetic Alphabet
Music Staff How to find a music or voice teacher in your city. Large international database of music teachers. For all instruments, locations, ages, styles and skill levels.
Voice Instructors Directory
Helping Students find the perfect Teacher. Find & Book Private Lessons.
Over 4,500 instructors in 400 cities.
New York Piano Teachers Directory
SingerSearch: the online source for Classical Vocalists
Lyrics sorted by artists and albums
Music Staff: How to find a music or voice teacher in your city.
VOCALAND - the Worldwide Multilanguage Forum dedicated to the Vocal Arts: Education, Employment and Events.
Voice Care for Singers: Do's and Don'ts for your vocal instrument.
The National Association of Teachers of Singing: The foremost organization dedicated to helping voice students and teachers.
The Voice Studio WebRing: Links of sites providing resources for singers, and voice teachers.
Voice Instructors Directory
International Phonetic Alphabet
Society of Singers
The Songwriters Guild of America
Online Opera Scores - actually has scanned in several opera piano/vocal scores for you to view online. Very cool!
The Operaphile
Resources for Singers
International Phonetic Alphabet
MusAcom - practice tools for singers
Voice Instructors Directory
Voice Teacher: Richard Garrin
Voice Teacher: David Jones
This site also has valuable objective information about vocal health and much more.
Other Arts Links
Look Good, Book Good - headshot and pre-audition makeup service
Casting Services, etc.
16 Penn Plaza, Suite 730
New York, NY 10001
Get a $25 discount on your reel when you mention We also have a free pamphlet offering tips about making a reel from agents, managers, and casting agents. Please call or e-mail for more info.
Acting Depot is a resource for actors and models offering directories of personal managers, talent agents, and casting directors as well as casting calls for movie and TV auditions.
Los Angeles Music Network - job listings, etc.
TakeOneActing - E-mail them any question about acting or the acting business, and a SAG Agent, SAG Manager, or SAG actor will respond to your question within 24 hours. is the ultimate site for online Karaoke. Get your FREE downloadable Karaoke player and the latest hits from all your favorite artists now!
World Wide Arts ResourcesThe Mad Screenwriter - A new arts and entertainment directory featuring over 2,000 links to international internet resources for writers, actors & filmmakers
Dancewear & Dance Costumes - Denver Fabrics offers fabric for dancewear including nylon/Lycra stretch knits, metallics, velvet, fake fur, and silk. Also sewing notions and trims. And all at discounted prices.