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Cherry Duke | Risa Renae Harman

Cherry Duke

Duke_Cherry_6900ret2-lo-fixHailed as a “radiant and confident” performer, American mezzo-soprano Cherry Duke “is a singer who communicates both the music and the text impeccably.” A regular performer of concert, opera, and new music she has appeared as a soloist with numerous opera houses and orchestras in the US. Learn more about Cherry’s performance career at www.cherryduke.com.

Cherry Duke graduated summa cum laude from Texas Woman’s University and received her graduate degree in Opera Performance from The Hartt School at the University of Hartford. She joined the voice and opera faculty of the University of Texas El Paso in 2015. Founder of YourType Arts Partners,  she has created promotional materials including web sites for performing artists since 1998.  Cherry now brings her expertise to emerging artists around the country through these interactive and informative seminars.

Cherry’s Seminars:

Risa Renae Harman

risaAmerican soprano Risa Renae Harman is widely acclaimed for her technical virtuosity and communication skills as an artist.  As noted by The New York Times, “she is that rare creature among singers, a really good recitalist.”  She has appeared with major regional companies in the US and abroad and is the winner of numerous vocal competitions.

Since 2001, she has been an Artist-in-Residence with the Bay View Music Festival.  It was there, upon seeing a void in the business side of a young musician’s training, she began a series of seminars in career development, “Thriving in the Arts.”  Based on personal experience as a young artist and navigating the pitfalls of a career, these seminars cover different aspects of beginning and maintaining a career in music.

Risa is an active voice instructor in the New York City area and presents business seminars for performing artists at Bay View Music Festival and at universities around the country.

Risa’s Seminars: